List of 5 Herb Infused water recipe (Detox Water)

1. Ginger + Lemon Detox Water:

For a very refreshing and a cool drink, you would need to make the ginger detox drink this summer. It delights the taste buds, refreshes the senses and helps you lose weight too. Sans the need for sugars, a ginger lime drink is what you would need.

  • Few pieces of ginger – sliced and coin shaped.

  • A jar of ice cold water with plenty of ice

  • Lemon slices

How to prepare:
  1. Place all the ingredients in a large jar and fill it three quart to the brim with water.

  2. Now top the jar with ice and let it rest in the fridge overnight.

  3. Garnish with mint leaves if need be.

How will it help:
  1. To help kickstart your day, you could have a glass of this infused water, which is why ginger as a powerful detox agent is used. Your metabolism levels would be on a high all day long, and this will also make you flush away the toxins and waste, along with the fats in your body too.

  2. It is an amazing drink to have post workouts which would help you overcome fatigue too.

2. Mint + Lavender Infused Water:

Most of the French women swear by the spa drink which involves lavender and mint, so here we are telling you all about it. Take a look at how it is prepared and how it helps the body.

  • 1 tbsp Lavender dried or fresh

  • 1/2 tbsp Mint dried or fresh

  • Tea bag or coffee filter and string from tea bag

  • Large Pitcher

How to prepare:
  1. Have the lavender and mint leaves dried and placed on a filter, tied at the bottom of the pitcher.

  2. The pitcher shall be filled with one third of ice cubes and the rest with ice cold water.

  3. This should be placed overnight in the fridge, and had on an empty stomach the next day.

How will it help:
  1. Having a glass of this drink will help you to detox, lose weight and cleanse the body and its senses of the toxic waste.

  2. If the stomach has been troubling you off late, you could have this drink to soothe the intestine and the digestive tract too, and it helps flush the system well.

Mint and Lavender Herb Infused Water

3. Mint + Lemongrass Infused Water:

This is an infused drink that would make you very happy, and it is over ice so it would be a chilling effect that you would receive. The drink is a refreshing one and a change from the many fruit infused waters you would have had over the years. The herbal flavor of lemongrass does its magic here.

  • 2 two-inch cuts of lemongrass

  • 8 hand-torn mint leaves.

How to prepare:
  1. To begin with, we shall have the lemongrass and mint leaves dried and placed on a filter, tied at the bottom of the pitcher.

  2. The pitcher shall be filled with one third of ice cubes and the rest with ice cold water.

  3. This should be placed overnight in the fridge, and had on an empty stomach the next day.

How will it help:
  1. Lemongrass is antimicrobial, which means it would fight all the germs in the body.

  2. It helps treat the digestive system of its disorders, spasms, aches, and more.

  3. Even blood pressure patients can have this drink since the herb is known to regulate pressure levels in the body.

  4. The herb also helps deal with inflammation and convulsions, coughs and vomiting, fatigue and exhaustion, and common colds too.

  5. From sinuses to migraines, both lemongrass and mint can help deal with the issues, and also with muscle pains too.

Mint and Lemongrass Recipe

4. Lime + Rosemary Infused Water:

Slightly sweet and brisk by nature, rosemary infused water is the perfect antidote to the harsh heat we face in summers. And you would love this energy drink when you garnish it with mint and basil if you please. Let’s take a look as to how we can prepare this rosemary infused water.

  • Fresh rosemary stalks

  • Fresh lime slices

  • Water

How to prepare:
  1. Have all the ingredients placed in the pitcher.

  2. The pitcher shall be filled with one third of ice cubes and the rest with ice cold water.

  3. This should be placed overnight in the fridge, and had on an empty stomach the next day.

How will it help:
  1. Rosemary is a good source of minerals such as calcium and iron, and in addition to that, it also has plenty of vitamin B6 in it.

  2. The herb also is rich in antioxidants and can beat inflammation too.

  3. Rosemary also helps the immune system to a large extent and improve circulation of the blood in the body too, and helps in neutralizing free radicals in the body as well.

  4. The herb would be best for people who have problems with their digestive system, neurological issues and macular degeneration as well.

Lime and Rosemary Infused Water

5. Basil Infused Water Recipe:

Basil infused water is also known as basil tea in most parts of the world. And this means, you have infused the herb in warm water. When you infuse the herb in water, it turns into an energy drink.

  • A few leaves of basil and a pot of hot water

How to prepare:
  1. Make the decoction by adding basil leaves or the flowers to the boiling water and allowing it to brew for half an hour.

  2. Strain and allow the water to cool.

  3. Keep it in the fridge for half an hour and then drink it on an empty stomach.

How will it help:
  1. This is a drink that is best given to those that have depression issues.

  2. Basil also is an antimicrobial agent and a stimulant too, and it helps soothe the nerves and anxiety pangs as well.

  3. Basil tea helps during exams; it helps the mind with clarity and to stay clear with thoughts as well, and can beat fatigue of the mind too.

  4. Travel and motion sickness too can be dealt with it, when you have basil tea, because it helps regulate sugar levels in the blood.

  5. Anyone suffering from stomach ulcers too can have basil tea, and those with high blood pressure as well can have a cup of the tea too.

  6. For colds, coughs and chest congestions, basil tea can be had as well. If you suffer from migraines and headaches very frequently, the tea is an antidote to them all and helps ease nerve pangs and pains as well.

Basil Infused Water Recipe

We thus come to an end on learning all about the various infused herbal and fruity waters and teas, so now let’s take a look at how much of water we should have daily!

Source: healthyfoodstyle
