This is a worldwide popular drink that is very effective in weight loss. It is very easy to be prepared and it contains only 3 ingredients – green tea, cinnamon and bay leaf. This drink will surely help you with weight loss and it will accelerate your metabolism.Preparation:
Boil 800ml water and then remove it from the heat. Add one cinnamon stick, 3 bay leaves and one tablespoon of green tea. Tea prepared like this should stay covered for 15 minutes. Then you should strain it and the drink is ready to be consumed.
The best time for metabolism acceleration is early in the morning, immediately after waking up.
So drink your first cup of tea on an empty stomach.
Drink the second cup immediately after breakfast and the third cup – in the evening, just before bedtime. It is sufficient.
Three cups of tea a day – and you will surely lose weight, especially around “critical” areas on the body. The first results are visible after 7 days.
Don’t forget that the process of accelerating the metabolism and losing weight should be accompanied by a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.
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