This Powerful Juice Destroys Bad Cholesterol, Fights Aging and Protects The Heart

The corn is a staple food, which traditionally has been used and consumed by several ancient civilizations. Corn seed remains have been found in the tombs of the Inca civilization in Peru, and cobs of Arizona have been found at an age of at least 4,000 years. Today we want to talk more specifically about the juice of corn , which contains a huge variety of medicinal properties that contribute perfectly to our health. Know then all the powerful benefits of corn juice.

Properties and Benefits of Corn Juice

Corn juice contains vitamin A, B and C, carbohydrates, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus and fatty acids.

It is also a preparation rich in lutein , a compound that protects the health of our heart, and prevents muscle degeneration.

Among the most outstanding benefits of corn juice for our health, we find the following:

-Protects the health of the heart
-Destroy bad cholesterol
-It is a powerful anti-aging antidote
-Helps stimulate the central nervous system
-Improves the quality of bones and teeth
-Contains powerful antioxidants

Having seen the main benefits of  juice for our health, let us now turn to see how this powerful drink is prepared.

How to prepare corn juice at home

Next, you’ll see how to prepare a drink made from corn and cocoa juice, which harnesses energizing and antioxidant properties. This traditional drink is commonly prepared in countries of Latin America and Mexico.


-2 tablespoons cornmeal dough
-3 tablespoons brown sugar
-2 cocoa candies
-1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon of anise seeds
-A cup of water
-One cup of skim milk


1.Take a casserole and mix in it the corn flour, sugar, cinnamon, cocoa and anise.

2.Now add 1/2 cup of water to the mixture and stir until a paste is created.

3.Add the rest of the water and milk to the preparation. Again stir well.

4.Bring to boil over low heat.

5.Let it boil for 5 minutes, and if necessary add more sugar.

Drink this powerful drink in the mornings, to enjoy through it all the benefits.

Alternative recipe

Then we also leave you the recipe of another delicious and refreshing drink, originating in Panama.


-1/2 cup of shelled yellow corn
-One cup of evaporated and skim milk
-4 cups water
-5 tablespoons of sugar
-One teaspoon of vanilla extract
-A sprig of cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg


1.Mix the corn with a cup of water in a bowl and bring it to the refrigerator, leaving it there overnight.

2.The next day, we take the preparation from the refrigerator and add the rest of the water and cinnamon, then bring everything to a boil.

3.When the preparation is boiling, let the fire down and let the pot boil until the corn is soft (the lid of the pot must remain semi-uncovered).

4.Before putting out the fire, we add the rest of the ingredients to the preparation and let boil for 5 minutes more.

The preparation should be allowed to warm to the refrigerator, and leave there for about 4 hours.

It is advisable to drink 3 times a day this powerful drink , accompanied by some vanilla and nutmeg if you wish.

Any of these drinks will have fabulous effects on your health, and will rid you of many diseases.
