Ghee  butter is clarified butter. It is obtained through a process of melting of ordinary butter, which then disappears fat and protein and dairy substances and are separated by a spoon.

You need a plain, unsalted butter. For the first time take about half a kilogram. When you learn the procedure, increase the amount.

Place the butter in a clean saucepan and cook over low heat until completely melted (about 10 minutes). Simmer another 45 minutes.

During that time the top and bottom will notice how emerging contaminants. Those from the top remove with a spoon. Did not stir the mixture.

Dirt will constantly appear on the surface and constantly have to clean it. After 45 minutes turn off the hotplate and allow to cool. When cool, pour it in the bowl in which you plan to store it carefully, without debris from the bottom.

You can also use filter bags for coffee safer.

The remains of the bottom and top discard them without thinking.

Why this butter is healthier than ordinary?

First, the cleaner is the second, more easily tolerated high temperatures during cooking. Emits free radicals as other oils, which are dangerous to health.

Reduces bad cholesterol and prevent cancer, clogged arteries and diabetes.

It helps in regulating body weight.
