Watermelon is consisted of 91% water, a lot of minerals, nutrients and vitamins, so it`s the best hydrating fruit especially in the hot summer days.

Watermelon is considered to be both fruit and vegetable and it`s associated with pumpkin, cucumber and squash. Another reason why it`s considered a vegetable is because some people consume also the rind of the watermelon.

Due to its watery consistency the watermelon doesn’t contain almost any calories, so it`s great for weight loss. This refreshing fruit is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and only one cup of it will supply the daily need of 21% of vitamin C and 18% of vitamin A.

A study shows that all the parts of the watermelon contain healthy elements like phenolic antioxidants, vitamin C, lycopene, citrulline and flavonoids.

This is why you should consume more watermelon

Watermelon should be a part of everybody’s diet because it has a lot of beneficial properties for the health improving the immune system, the vision and the health of the cardiovascular system.


Helps in case of erectile dysfunction

A study shows that consuming the rind of the watermelon could help in case of erectile dysfunction. The rind of the watermelon contains high amounts of the amino acid called citrulline. This amino acid has a lot of benefits for the health. One of the benefits of the citrulline is helping relax the blood vessels and boosting the blood flow enhancing that way the erectile dysfunction, like Viagra. Once ingested the citrulline is transformed into arginine due to certain enzyme processes in the body. The arginine is another amino acid which is beneficial for the heart, the circulatory and the immune system. Also it improves the urea cycle because it eliminates toxins and ammonia from the system.

Contains anti-inflammatory elements

Compared to tomatoes, watermelon contains higher amounts of lycopene.  Just 1 cup of watermelon contains 1.5 more times lycopene than 1 big tomato.

Lycopene is very powerful antioxidant which eliminates various inflammatory processes in the body like the cyclo-oxygenase and expression of enzymes lipoxygenase which can cause serious inflammations, the activity of molecular signaling agents, the creation of pro-inflammatory messaging molecules, including kappa B nuclear factor.

Lycopene reduces the risk of different illnesses like many cancer types such as breast, rectum, cervix, colon, oral cavity, lung, esophagus, prostate, pancreas and stomach cancer and cardiovascular illnesses. Also it reduces the levels of LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Watermelon contains another powerful antioxidant – beta carotene. It contains 467 mcg beta carotene and 6.979 mcg lycopene in just one cup.

Although some yellow watermelons have also beneficial properties it`s better to consume deep red watermelons because as the watermelon ripens the levels of beta carotene and lycopene elevate.

Weight loss

According to some researches the intake of citrulline in high amounts leads to formation of arginine molecules called polyarginine peptides.  The polyarginine peptides molecules restrain the activity of the TNAP enzyme (tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase). The cells create less fat when the activity of the enzyme TNAP is reduced.

According to the researchers the high amounts of the citrulline in watermelons may be the key for answering how fat gets accumulated in the body. The correlation between citrulline in the food and the creation of arginine by nitric oxide synthase and the metabolism of the fat cells can prevent of over accumulation of fat in the body.

Improves the eye sight

Watermelon contains a lot of beta carotene which is very beneficial for the eyes.  Beta carotene gets transformed into vitamin A in the body which is good for the health of the eyes. Beta carotene protects the surface and the mucous membranes of the eyes from various bacteria and viruses. Also it lowers the risk of night blindness and macular degeneration which are age related.

Sore muscles

Watermelon can alleviate sore muscles because it contains nutrients and minerals that are good for the muscles. A study shows that consuming unpasteurized, natural watermelon juice before exercising reduces significantly the muscle soreness up to 24 hours.

Also taking 1 dose of watermelon juice or citrulline supplements before exercising enhances the performance during the workouts.

Increases the pH levels

According to the German Nobel Prize winning scientist Otto Warburg cancer and other different diseases cannot survive and grow in alkaline environment. High levels of acidity in the body lead to destruction of all the cells, tissues and organs in the body.

Making the body alkaline is crucial for the health and for treating and preventing different illnesses. Watermelons are alkaline food and they create alkaline environment in the body. Regular consumption can reduce the risk of various illnesses and it will keep the levels of the pH in the body balanced.


Be very careful when purchasing watermelons and other fruits and vegetables. Lately the markets are full of fruits and vegetables imported from China which are not organic watermelons and sometimes can be very dangerous.

The Chinese farmers, in order to increase the production of watermelons, use synthetic growth stimulator i.e. forchlorfenuron which is highly dangerous for the health.

The first sign that the fruits or vegetables are not grown organically is the lack of taste. If there is no flavor than it`s no good even though they look perfect.

The best way to be sure about it and to keep your health is not to buy any kind of fruits or vegetables grown and imported from China. Buy your fruits and vegetables from the local farmers or buy certified organic foods from America.

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