28 Years Without Sugar: She Is 70 Years Old And Has A Body Of A Double Younger Woman

Believe it or not, Carolyn Harz is 70 years old, but at first sight no one would believe that she is in the eighth decade of life. Her youthful appearance, as she said, she owes the disposal of sugar for three decades.

After a long struggle with sugar addiction, Caroline decided to make dietary changes.

“I do not consume sugar for 28 years. The beginning was difficult because I was addicted to sweets, and now I believe it is the most important reason for my perfect health and good shape. I am very careful to consume protein during every meal, especially breakfast. It reduces hunger, “explains Caroline.

She recommends not to give up favorite foods, but be very careful of the quantity is entered and to be more activitie. Finally, she added that one of the most important things to look good is a positive attitude towards life.

source: healthylifeheadlines.com
