When the function of the liver is good that means that our overall health is well too, because it detoxifies the body, burns fat, and can eliminate all waste from the system.
But sometimes health of the liver can be extremely damaged because of the poor lifestyle habits and the unhealthy diets, and this stops it to function well.When this happens you can use a lot of beneficial natural foods that can help with the function and will support the overall health.
The following drink will detoxify the body, boost the immune system, recover the liver, cleanse the body, prevent infections and inflammation, boost metabolism, regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, prevent cancer, and improve the skin.
Here is how to prepare it:
- A cucumber;
- Two lemons;
- A handful of parsley;
- 200ml of water
You should add all the ingredients in a blender, and mix until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Drink this remedy once or twice daily for a month. Then, make a 2-week break, and repeat the treatment.
The effects are visible almost immediately!
Via : www.naturalhealthyteam.com
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