9 Core Exercises That Get You Closer To Six-Pack Abs

Everyone wants a six pack, but achieving it is not that simple. Excess belly fat is the most difficult type of fat to burn, and the abdominal area is very difficult to flatten. However, you should know that there are certain powerful exercises which will flatten your tummy without much effort.

9 Core Exercises That Get You Closer To Six-Pack Abs

Before we present the exercises, let’s take a closer look at the abdominal muscles. The abs consist of internal and external obliques. The external obliques lie on the sides of your belly and go up under the arms, while the internal lie on the outside of the external obliques. The abdominal section also contains the transverse abdominals (which keep your pelvis in balance), and the rectus abdominis, which helps you flex your back.

However, there isn’t a single exercise which will move all these muscles, so you’ll need a good combination of effective exercises that will flatten your abs and help you get that six pack you’ve always wanted. Here are 9 core exercises that will flatten your tummy:

  1. Roll back

Works on the rectus abdominis muscles

Sit on the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees and feet on the floor, then pull the torso close to your thighs and extend your arms in front. Now, start doing sit-ups with your arms extended and breathe deeply during the exercise.

  1. Twisting roll back

Works on the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques

Extend your arms in front and do a roll back, then twist your torso to one side, bend one elbow and pull it back while reaching for the opposite knee with the other arm. Repeat the exercise on the other side and go for as many repetitions as you can.

  1. Sit-ups with a medicine ball

Works on all abdominal muscle groups

Take a medicine ball in your hands and hold it over your head, then lift from your core while sitting and keeping the ball over your head. To make things more challenging, put your feet under a slant board and increase the angle or the weight of the ball.

  1. Kneeling crunch

Works on the rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques

Kneel on the ground and put one hand on the floor under your shoulder, then reach forward with the other arm and opposite leg. Squeeze your abs and while you’re drawing elbow to knee, then repeat the kneeling crunch on the other side.

  1. Dead bug

Works on the transverse abdominals, internal and external obliques

Lie on the floor and raise your legs up while keeping the knees bent over hips and your calves parallel on the floor. Now put your hands up to the ceiling and draw your navel in, then exhale and lower your opposite arm and leg down to the floor and bring your knee to the chest. Make sure to keep your back on the floor at all times and repeat the exercise on the other side.

  1. Lunge split jack

Works on the rectus abdominis

Stand with your feet wide apart and one in front of the other, then go down in a split squat and jump up while doing a scissor kick with your legs. When you go down to the ground, go back into the split squat and jump up again.

  1. Toe dip

Works on the transverse abdominals

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet on the floor, then lean back on your elbows and squeeze your abs. Now, slide your hands under your lower back for better support, then lift your legs up so that your knees go over your hips. Inhale and dip your toes down to the mat, then exhale and return to the beginning.

  1. Bicycle crunches

Works on the internal and external obliques and transverse abdominals

Lie on the floor and press your back into the ground, then put your hands behind your head and bring your knees to the chest one by one while lifting your shoulder blades off the ground. Next, straighten your right leg to about a 45-degree angle while turning your body to the left and making your rib cage move. Repeat the exercise on the other side. You should create a pedaling motion which gives the exercise its name.

  1. The “Jean-zip”

Works on the transverse abdominals

This exercise can be performed anytime and anywhere – just “scoop up” your abs like in the picture above to flatten your tummy. The “Jean-zip” may sound silly, but it’s highly effective!

Source : fitandhealthy24.com

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Source: healthylifevision
