A vitamin is an organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and it must be obtained through diet. When you are missing some vitamins it leads to a certain consequences.
Cracks on the lips
You are missing iron, zinc and B-vitamins such as vitamin B3, B2 and B12. It is usually among vegetarians, because according to their way of feeding they are not getting enough of those matters.
Solution: Eat more Swiss chard, peanuts, legumes plants such as lentils, poultry meat, salmon, tuna, eggs, shellfish.The absorption of iron is enhanced with vitamin C, which also helps your body to fight against infections. Combine these products with vegetables such as broccoli, red peppers, kale and cauliflower.
Red rash on the face (sometimes elsewhere) and hair loss
You are missing vitamin B7, known as hair vitamin. If you eat fresh eggs, it will make you vulnerable, because the protein is
present in the fresh eggs, as the avidin prevents the body to absorb biotin.
Red or white skin changes similar to acne, usually on the face, arms, thighs and backs.Solution: Eat more cooked eggs (the digestion deactivates the avidin), salmon, avocado, mushrooms, cauliflower, soybeans, walnuts, raspberries and bananas.
You lack essential fatty acids and vitamins A and E.
Solution: eat less saturated fat, completely discard trans fat as margarine and herbal fat and increase the input of healthy fats.
You need more salmon and sardines, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, seeds, flax and hemp. For vitamin A eat more green vegetables and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers. This vegetables has a lot of beta carotene, which is used by your body to get the necessary vitamins. Only ten minutes on the sun will help you get vitamin D.
Numbness and tingling on your hands, feet or anywhere on your body
You are missing vitamins B, as folic acid (B9), B6 and B12. This lack is directly connected to the peripheral nerves. These symptoms may occur in combination with depression, anemia, fatigue and hormone imbalance.
Solution: eat spinach, asparagus, beets, beans, eggs, shellfish, crabs and chicken meat.
Muscle cramps, severe pain in the fingers, wrists, feet, legs and back.
You lack magnesium, calcium and potassium. If you exercise rarely, you can lose more minerals (vitamins of B group soluble in water) due to severe sweating.
Solution: eat more bananas, almonds, hazelnuts, zucchini, cherry, apple, grapefruit, broccoli, vegetables with darker leaves, such as kale and spinach and dandelion leaves.
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Source: http://omigy.com
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