The Manhattan is one of the finest and oldest cocktails around. It’s a classic and sophisticated cocktail.
For this Red Moon Over Manhattan cocktail recipe, we’ve added a twist to it by incorporating red wine! Much like vintage libations, red wine cocktails are also seeing a huge spike in popularity. And while a red wine Manhattan may sound unique, it’s really tasty with a great flavor combination! It’s the perfect cocktail to get ready for all of that fall entertaining you’ll hopefully be doing! Enjoy and stay charming!
Red Moon Over Manhattan Cocktail Recipe
2 ounces red wine
1/2 ounce bourbon
1/2 large round ice sphere1/2 ounce simple syrup
3 gourmet maraschino cherries
Shake all of the ingredients together with ice for 20 seconds. Rub orange peel around the rim of the glass. Add in the ice sphere and strain the cocktail over the ice. Scoop one cherry to place inside the drink and add two more on a twig or cocktail stirrer to garnish the glass! Enjoy this new classic!
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