Honey - superfood from the bee hive

Wealth of nutrients

Parent royal jelly is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. It contains vitamin A. B, C, D and E, as well as a high concentration of Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and vitamin B6. Total amount of vitamins in one gram of lactic origin is from 336 to 351 mg. Parent royal jelly is the only natural source of acetikolin in pure form. It is a neurotransmitter that allows the transmission of nerve impulses between stations in the body.
Also, the home lactic contains various minerals, enzymes, and 18 types of amino acids. But apart from these, the parent royal jelly has a certain amount of still unknown ingredients.
Lactic protein origin contains a number of amino acids, within which are located eight irreplaceable - valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine and tripofan.
The main representatives of sugars in the native royal jelly are glucose and fructose. They fall into the category of redukcioni sugars neural stations can directly aposorbiraat and use as an energy material, without having to spend insulin.
The composition of the native royal jelly depends on the season, physiological state of the bees, and the conditions under which heard.

Medicinal properties of the native royal jelly

 Parent Royal Jelly helps in the following diseases and conditions:
  • eating disorders in young children
    as a natural anabolik by failing due to a particular disease or old age
    healing effects of menopause or sclerotic processes
    increasing endurance in athletes
    healing of wounds and fractures
    treatment of cardiovascular disease
    It helps stenokarija, atherosclerosis, increased triglycerides, cholesterol and high pressure problems
    treatment of infertility in women and men
    mitigation of taking a contraceptive pill
    regulate menstruation, changes in menopause and menopause
    favorably affect the work of the sex glands and keep the health of the uterus
    It prevents the growth of tumors and reduces symptoms of chemotherapy
    It relieves stress and insomnia
    It has the capacity of a natural antibiotic action against bacteria and fungi
    keep bone health
    favorably affect the health of hair, nails and skin, and heals skin problems like acne and psoriasis
    a great effect on memory, endurance and concentration
    acts with weight problems because establishes a balance metabolism
    Home royal jelly can be found in the form of tablets, powder or liquid.

It is important to know

Parent royal jelly must be consumed with a metal spoon, because metal destroys its nutrients.
No matter in what form eaten, the home jelly place it under the tongue, and leave thus directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
People who have transplants must not consume queen honey due to its ability to imunostimuliranje as possible rejection of the organs by the body.
During the consumption of royal jelly home there is a possibility of getting diarrhea or a rash. It happens because the process of detoxification and discharge of harmful substances from the body and lasts only a few days.
