Destroy Your Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags And Age Spots Completely Naturally

Due to the fact that the skin is very sensitive, skin-related issues are very common among people. Moles, skin tags, clogged pores, and skin breakouts are the most common types, all of which are typically caused by changes in lifestyle and hormonal imbalance.

Most people use skin and beauty care products to solve these issues and return the natural glow of their skin. However, these products contain chemicals which do more harm than good.  This means that you should opt for natural remedies to eliminate these issues and improve your skin`s appearance. Below you have a list of some of the best natural remedies for skin issues. Check them out!

  1. MOLES

Moles affect people of all ages, including children. They are defined as clusters of skin pigmentation cells, known as melanocytes. Genetics and sun exposure are the major causes of moles.

Natural Remedies for Moles

Garlic: Both garlic and garlic extract are very effective in removing moles. Put a masking tape or petroleum jelly around the mole before applying garlic or garlic extract in order to protect the skin. When done with the application, secure with a bandage and leave it on for 4 hours. Repeat the procedure on a daily basis.

Castor Oil and Baking Soda: Combine the castor oil with baking soda to create a paste. Apply the paste onto the mole, cover with a bandage, and leave it on during the night. Remove the bandage and rinse the area well in the morning. Repeat the treatment every night.

Apple Cider Vinegar:  Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply directly onto the mall. Secure the area with a medical tape or bandage and leave it on for 8 hours. Amazingly, the mole will fall off on its own.
  1. WARTS

Warts are small bumps on the skin or mucous membranes and they are usually result of HPV (human papilloma virus). Freezing and applying salicylic acid are the most common ways to address this issue.

Natural Remedies for Warts

Bananas:  Rub the wart with a banana peel before bedtime. Repeat the procedure over the course of two weeks or until the wart disappears.

Pure Raw Honey: Just like with bananas, rub some honey onto the wart before bedtime and secure it with a bandage.

Garlic: Regular use of garlic juice or crushed garlic can eliminate a wart in only two weeks. All you have to do is to rub the crushed garlic onto the wart and wrap it with a bandage. Moreover, apply garlic juice on the wart twice daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak a cotton ball in ACB, apply onto the wart and put a bandage over it. Let it work overnight and replace it with a new one afterwards. The wart will soon disappear!

Skin tags usually appear on the eyelids, neck, upper chest, and the underarms. They are caused by rubbing of the skin and are manifested by growths that stick from the skin surface. People typically cut them off, freeze them, or tie them off.

Natural Remedies for Skin Tags

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak a cotton ball in ACV and dab the skin tag with it. You can let it work for as long as you want to. The skin tag will darken and fall off in a matter of days.

Tea Tree Oil: Mix some water with a few drops of tea tree oil and soak a cotton ball into the mixture. Apply it onto the tag and secure with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times daily for a month. This method is the safest method for eliminating skin tags around the eyes.

Baking Soda and Castor Oil: Mix some baking soda with castor oil to create a paste. Then, apply the resulting mixture onto the skin tag and cover it with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times daily. You can keep this mixture refrigerated up to 48 hours.

Dark spots, also referred to as age spots, are actually discolored patches which typically affect the face, forearms, and the hands. An aging liver and sun exposure are considered the major culprits for the occurrence of dark spits.

Natural Remedies for Dark Spots

Lemon: All you have to do is to soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it onto the affected area two times daily.

Aloe Vera: Apply fresh aloe gel onto the dark spot and let it work for about half an hour.

Onion: Blend or juice the onion to draw out the juice. Apply it onto the dark spot and let it work for 10-15 minutes before washing it off. Repeat the procedure until the dark spots disappear.

Horseradish: Mix some horseradish with vinegar and apply the mixture onto the dark spot. Repeat the procedure on a daily basis until the dark spot vanishes.

Vitamin C Serum: Organic and chemical-free vitamin C serums are very effective at promoting skin health. They are abundant in vitamin C and eliminate dark spots in no time. They are able to repair the damaged skin as well.

Clogged pores are result of accumulation of oil on the skin, making it look bumpy and neglected. They need to be removed as the skin will look really bad otherwise.

Natural Remedies for Clogged Pores

Sugar Scrub: Mix sugar with lemon to create a paste and rub it onto the area with an organic cloth in circular motions. When done, rinse it off and wash the face with warm water.

Steaming: First of all, you need to wash the face well. Put it over a pot with boiled water, cover the head with a towel, and expose the fact to as much steam as possible. Hold your head in this position for 10-15 minutes. When done, wash the face once again, using warm water. Apply some vinegar onto the face at the end in order to eliminate extra debris.

